Special Interest Groups
The St. Paul’s Players
St. Paul’s Players have been together for about 25 years, putting on a full production in July and a concert in November. The Players raise money to support the church mission projects in the community. They always welcome new members and maintain that if you can walk, you can dance and if you can talk, you can sing and act.
Walking Group
Join us for a walk around Ringwood Lake, followed by a coffee at Jamaica Blue Café, Eastland.
Meets weekly on Tuesday at 9:15am.
Book Club
Each month the Book Club read and discuss a book from the local library.
Currently meets on the first Thursday of the month, 7:30pm.
Stitchers Group
Bring along your current craft project and meet with other craft-minded people for some afternoon craftyness and a catch-up.
The Stitchers Group is on break at the moment.