Vision & Mission
Mullum Mullum Anglican Parish is a growing Anglican church in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
We are a community of believers with a wide demographic of ages, backgrounds and stages of life and we’d love to welcome you to join us.
A Spirit filled community seeking to glorify God, grow as followers of Jesus, and share His hope.
To be a light on the hill
Our Strategic Directions are to be a community who are:
We will seek to be a community that is bringing glory to God, gospel centered, worshipping the Triune God and growing as a prayerful, Spirit-led community under the absolute authority of scripture.
Believing that all people are created in the image of God, with equal value, worth and dignity; we will seek to be a community that is welcoming and safe for all people. We will seek to demonstrate God’s love and justice in action; sharing community, hospitality, practical and pastoral care.
We will seek to be a disciple making community. This will involve; welcoming all people, reaching out to those around us and mission: both local and global.
We will seek to be a community in transformation, seeking to grow and mature as disciples of Jesus.
We will seek to be a serving community, encouraging and equipping each other to use our gifts in God’s kingdom work.